Thanks to our superstar volunteers Jeff L. and Rickie M.


We have so many fantastic volunteers but this month we are honoring 2 that really step up no matter what they are asked to do.
Jeff L. is the mainstay of our pantry doing any pickup anywhere and then filling his car to do outreach to the homeless, being sure they have at least a sandwich or two for a meal. He goes out his way to find them and makes sure everyone has something. He also spends lots of his time supporting the community in the sober living houses too.
Rickie M. has become the assistant pantry manager at Gus Garcia on Saturdays. He coordinates the people that unload the cars and bring the food into the pantry, has taken over the intake of clients into the pantry and runs interference with some of our more vocal clients. He is also working with Kerby's Clothing ministry to bring clothes, shoes and hygiene items to the homeless at various locations each week.
When you see them, thank them for the superstars they are.

We have so many fantastic volunteers but this month we are honoring 2 that really step up no matter what they are asked to do.
Jeff L. is the mainstay of our pantry doing any pickup anywhere and then filling his car to do outreach to the homeless, being sure they have at least a sandwich or two for a meal. He goes out his way to find them and makes sure everyone has something. He also spends lots of his time supporting the community in the sober living houses too.
Rickie M. has become the assistant pantry manager at Gus Garcia on Saturdays. He coordinates the people that unload the cars and bring the food into the pantry, has taken over the intake of clients into the pantry and runs interference with some of our more vocal clients. He is also working with Kerby’s Clothing ministry to bring clothes, shoes and hygiene items to the homeless at various locations each week.
When you see them, thank them for the superstars they are.

picture of man driving car in black shirt
Superstar Jeff
Superstar Rickie