black background with multicolored words Thank you
Wow Good job everyone!! It was a great week. We have so many volunteers that help unload cars and carrry food each week from those lined up for the pantry.They are our unsung heros. Thanks to all the Group that works so hard to gather food from the sources each week and store it for the pantry, the group that hauls it to Gus Garcia Rec Center and those who put the food out and arrange it in a very brief 90 minute window turning chaos into order, and lastly to those who help the clients select the foods and even assist them to their cars.
Lastly thanks to Jerry and crew for keeping the equipment running and all the little extras and to Carol for ever searching for food sources to share.
Thanks to Sprouts, Target, the canteen,Panera bread, and all our community donors and supporters for the food.
Stats 4/6/24
Total signed in 135
Total Household 456
Total seniors 87
Total Kids 77
Total Unhoused 45
Total Volunteers 35+
Total food salvaged this week 4700!!