April 7th Pantry

Even with an event blocking so much parking Gus Garcia Recreation Center we had a lot of people at the pantry and we did not finish until nearly 1:30 as people kept coming in as we cleaned up. Almost everyone got Taquitos at the pantry and a cheese or meat item, plenty of bread and sweets and veggies. We had cereal too.
Great to have @Kerbys Clothing ministry and a new group with pet food on site too.
We sent some leftover food to the ATX Free Fridge-Thanks @Benjamin Breault and overripe bruised fruits to the compost at Bassam’s garden. He brings us fresh produce and herbs each week.
Stats 4/13/2024
Total signed in 126
Total household 416
Total seniors 76
Total kids 83
Total unhoused 60
Total volunteers 40+
Total food this week just kept coming and is still being calculated. 3,911#

colorful blue truck with food stacked in the bed