Pantry Statistics
- Total signed in: 820
- Total household: 2985
- Total seniors: 469
- Total kids: 720
- Total unhoused: 258
- Total volunteers: 200
- Total food rescued/donated: 26,819 pounds
We collected an amazing 13 tons of food in January and fed nearly 3000 people through our pantries and outreach. We are thankful for donations from Sprouts Farmers Market, Target, Central Donut, Panera Bread, Randal’s, Canteen, and community donors.
In addition to our pantry at Gus Garcia Recreation Center every week and drop ins, we supported meals at the St. Andrews warming center, weekly meals at the Charlie Center and mobile outreach. We also supply sandwiches weekly for outreach, and items for Love Serve Feed in Round Rock. We also serve as a location for @Kerby’s Clothing Ministry each week.